Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lonely no more

Dear Jesus,

Here in my loneliness, I resign myself to You. I resign myself from wanting so much, from wanting parties, and a boyfriend, and outings. I resign myself from wanting better clothes, better things, a car, a bigger house. I want to not want anything. Just God, just You, and the moment. The moment that is all you give to me.

Here in my loneliness, I am no longer pressured with sadness as I think about You. You are the secret to not having this sadness that seems to suffocate. I only turn to You and all is gone. It is only You and I. The stars and the universe. Lonely stars not lonely any longer with the light from Your hand. You form them, you make them, you caress them like no other. This is how you caress me and console me. If only everyone knew this secret. That in You is everything, everything we need.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

En la paz
y en el silencio , se encuentra Dios.
Aveces, solo conseguimos escuchar a Dios en la soledad...
Cuando el silencio y la paz se fucionan.