Saturday, March 27, 2010

Story of how I lost my faith then got it back

I had gotten to the point where I doubted if Jesus was really God, if the Eucharist was really His body. I started believing in I guess what you could call being a free spirit. I didn't believe in religion, I believed in The Secret, the law of attraction, and positive energy and all that. I was tired of my new beliefs and so I begged God to become real to me. I decided to play bingo that night with my mom and boyfriend. It was almost the last game, when I told God in my mind that if I won this last game I would buy a poster I had seen and loved that was Mary holding Jesus in her arms. I won, and I didn't take this as a coincidence. God can use anything (a painting, a song, a poem, a movie, a person) to get our attention back on Him. Another great source of grace for me has been the writings of Catalina Rivas, a woman who is surely a saint. I once doubted about her writings. I didn't outright reject her writings, but didn't outright accept them either. Until God revealed His spirit through what I was reading. My life has changed for sure this time. I live my life thankful to God for having taken me away from my sinful life, not that I am a saint now anyway, but I want to live my life only for God now!

Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament:

I have returned to my Catholic faith. Welcoming our Lord into my life every day has been a true blessing to me. My daily tasks have taken on a new meaning, I am more patient with my Mother and my family. Through this online adoration, I can be closer to Jesus, He who is The Most Abandoned of all.

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